This is the Uncensored Cinefiles Film Review Podcast. Starring Bianca Garner and Dean Fougere aka Titus Frost. This is a podcast where we review and analyze films for their hidden, sometimes occult meanings and decipher the true meanings of films. Join us for an alternative look at the film industry with a film expert and a conspiracy theorist as we redefine what ”movie reviews” and the film critic industry should be.

Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
This is a review of The Wicker Man (1973), a film that depicts the ancient druid ritual surrounding May Day aka Beltane and the offering of human and animal sacrifices to the Ba'al god. The ancient practices offer worship to the Sun, Moon, and the place that we live rather than the creator. These practices were widespread before the rise of Christianity. In the film The Wicker man these rituals are depicted as our main character tries to solve a missing girl mystery. We break this movie down and even show how these esoteric and occult practices continue on to this day.
Bianca's article on the Wicker Man: https: //filmbeereviews.com/2023/10/27/voyage-to-the-70s-the-wicker-man/
Thanks for watching!

Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
This is a film review of Network (1976) one of the greatest movies of all time. Network shows how the news went from being a social service to being a for profit part of big corporate news networks. Before the late 1970's channels would lose money on the news services. However in the late 1970's that would change. CNN would be borne in 1980 as a response, thus cementing in the age of the 24 hours Soft News Cycle to replace the hard news of the past. Human interest stories, car chases, and communist terrorists dominated the air waves because they got ratings. This has only continued to get worse. Network the film predicted it all. Network also has some of the best all time monologues by Howard Beale where he goes off and explains the nature of the world. These have inspired anti globalist videos for years. Come find out how controlled the media really is.
Discussed: Network (1976)
Howard Beale Monologues
International Banking
Soft News versus Hard News
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Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
The Sound of Freedom Movie Review & Esoteric Analysis: Unite Against Child Trafficking
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
This is a movie review of the film The Sound of Freedom starring Jim Caviezel and telling the story of Tim Ballard. Uncensored Cinefiles has broken this movie down and the reaction to the film. It would seem the success of this film was not foreseen, and the awareness it is bringing to Child Trafficking is not wanted by the larger studios such as Disney. Bianca and I do a full review and breakdown of the film "The Sound of Freedom", and analyze the media response to this movie. Rolling Stone, The Guardian, Owen Benjamin, Jim Stewartson, and Mike Rothschild all attacked this film for no good reason, and we countered their nonsense. Sound of Freedom is not a #Qanon film. Hope you all enjoy this film review.
Support the channel: https://www.patreon.com/uncensoredcinefiles
Film Bee on Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_film_bee
Titus on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ImperatorTruth

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
The Nefarious Film Review: Demonic Possession or Insanity?
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
This is the Uncensored Cinephiles official film review of the movie Nefarious directed by Chuck Konzelman, Cary Solomon. Bianca and I discuss how this is one of the most interesting and best films of the year 2023. We dive deep into the lore from the Bible, the Book of Enoch and how it relates to this film. We even discuss how Alien Abductions are likely demonic possession. The physical appearance of Jesus Christ and how the Israelites were white even made this review. This film Nefarious makes a person engage in very interesting topics and keeps the mind busy trying to make sense of it all. Great movie, great acting, one of the best new films out there. Go watch the film Nefarious then come back and watch this review. We would love to hear your feedback!
Let us know in the comments your theories on demons, and demonic possession!
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Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
This is a new Uncensored Cinefiles Official Film review of "Cool Hand Luke" starring Paul Newman. In this film breakdown we analyze how Cool Hand Luke had hidden symbolism in the film, especially with the ending. We broke down what the ending scene meant and also how this movie symbolizes the end of the Studio Era of Hollywood in the late 1960’s. Join Bianca and Titus as they discuss this classic film.
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Uncensored Cinefiles Podcast: https://imperatortruth.podbean.com/
Follow Bianca on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheMisfitcritic
Follow Titus on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ImperatorTruth
Check out the show on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@TitusFrost:4

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
Wednesday Jan 25, 2023
This new show "The Terminal List" written by Jack Carr and starring Chris Pratt is reviewed by Uncensored Cinefiles. We dive into the conspiracy in the show and discuss why we both thought this was an excellent show, and we are both looking forward to season two. The film critics rated this one badly, however Bianca is a rotten tomatoes film critic who really enjoyed this show. Well show, well written, very intense great show. Make sure to subscribe and like and tune in for more Uncensored Cinefiles episodes.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/uncensoredcinefiles
Film Bee on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheMisfitcritic
Titus on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ImperatorTruth

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
This is the new Uncensored Cinefiles analysis of the film The Shining and the documentary Room 237. During this analysis we establish a new Shining Theory based on the ending of the movie. The "Tide of Terror that swept America" was reborn. reincarnated as the Tide of Terror of the Israeli Palestine Conflict, the CCP, the Nazis and the Communists all beginning in 1921, the same year as the ending photograph. We also discuss the Gucci Stanley Kubrick fashion line. What other secrets of The Shining are in the film? This is the 1921 The Shining Theory.
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Check out our Odysee channel: https://odysee.com/@UncensoredCinefiles:4
Bianca Garner on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheMisfitcritic
Titus Frost on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ImperatorTruth

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
The Northman Film Review Occult and Esoteric Analysis: The Raven’s of Odin
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
Wednesday Nov 30, 2022
This is the Northman Film Review with occult and esoteric analysis of the symbolism in the film. Warning this review contains spoilers. From the Raven's of Odin to the enlightenment of Amleth via the dark path. This is a fantastic film that is historically very accurate by the new up and coming Director Robert Eggers who seems to be a modern day Stanley Kubrick in the making. This Northman movie was extremely well done, a lot of the film seems like a painting due to the quality of the film work and scene design. Highly recommend watching the Northman before seeing our review.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/uncensoredcinefiles

Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
So Bianca and I decided to go see the new Warren Miller Film "Daymaker" and this is our review of the film. It was showing at the Martha's Vineyard Film Center which is a ferry ride away for us. The film was absolutely epic as always and we both really loved this movie. Bianca is now excieted to try skiing this winter and I am pumped for another ski season.
For those interested I have Loon Mountain, Sunday River and Sugarloaf season passes and will be on those slopes this year.
Hope to see you all out there! Let's all have a fun and safe winter! Now all we need is SNOW!!!
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Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
This is the Uncensored Cinefiles film review and esoteric analysis of the film The Witch directed by Robert Eggers. The Witch film has been praised as a feminist movie, and it has been endorsed by the Satanic Temple. This movie was extremely scary, and extremely graphic but accurate representation of early colonial life in America. This is our film analysis and review of this movie witch includes spoilers. So go and watch the movie "The Witch" then come back here to see our breakdown. Happy Halloween / Samhain!
Origins of Samhain / Halloween discussed in this podcast breakdown as well.
Is Robert Eggers the New Stanley Kubrick? Cheers!
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